Taylo Designs

This recipe transforms used espresso grounds into instant espresso powder using a simple baking method. Preheat the oven, spread out the grounds on a cookie sheet, and bake until completely dry. Ensure even drying by flattening with a spoon midway through baking. This homemade espresso powder adds robust coffee flavor to recipes and is perfect for enhancing baked goods and desserts. Enjoy the aromatic benefits and economical use of leftover coffee grounds in your kitchen creations.

Instant Espresso Powder


  • Ground from an espresso maker


  • Preheat oven to 275 degrees.
  • Take the used grounds (or puck) from the espresso maker and spread them out on a cookie sheet.
  • Bake for 20 minutes.
  • Take the flat side of a spoon and make sure the powder is evenly spaced, then bake for an additional 10 minutes.
  • Grounds should be totally dry.
  • Grind dry coffee in a coffee grinder to ensure it will disappear when added to recipes.
  • Enjoy the wonderful free smells!